Giving Our State a Face Lift, Maximizing the Power of Revenue
Anambra State is a Nigerian state located in the South-eastern region of the country. The state was created on 27 August 1991.
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A Leading Company in Digitalisation
Building a Formidable and Efficient Baseline for Revenue Growth and Potential Developement. X5M GLOBAL MAX-DATA CONCEPT LTD was born with Vision, Passion and Mission
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Plaza Registration
in line with Government policies on Revenue generation and Land use Act, Every Plaza in the State is required to be registered in the state Database. This Registration and Digitalization excercise is easy, just click the button below to begin
Rgister My PlazaActivating Your Stallage Card
1. Click the Link Below, 2. Enter your Digitalisation Regno or Your EN Number, 3. Comfirm your Details, 4. Enter the Number on your Card.
and you are done. Subsquent time, you will only need your card Number for future dealings with the Government as reagard your store Stallage.